FAQ - Anatomy & Physiology


1. When is belly massage indicated?

Abdominal trauma - includes surgery, mechanical or sexual trauma, chronic inflammatory conditions, and chronic pain syndromes. These conditions produce smooth and skeletal muscle holding patterns and fascial adhesion which if not addressed can decrease function.

Belly massage also assists the patient to find more awareness around the breath, creates more elasticity in scar tissue, and helps to increase the circulation of blood, lymph and energy.

– the choice to undertake a light or deep cleanse is very important at this time in history because we come into contact with environmental toxins, heavy metals, air and water pollution, medications, and hormones in our food supplies on a daily basis.

Relax and de-stress
– belly massage is an excellent way to access and relax the nervous system. One of the great opportunities here is simply slowing down and paying attention to all of the amazing things that our abdominal organs do for us everyday.


2. When is belly massage contraindicated?

The big caveat with belly massage is - DO NOT TRY TO TAKE ON TOO MUCH.

Watch the mind that says “I can do it all,” or “I know all of the answers.” This is very dangerous!

Belly massage is contraindicated whenever full body massage is contraindicated - conditions include high fever, acute pain, or open wounds and recent surgery incisions.

  1. Acute vascular conditions or inflammatory conditions. When these conditions are in the acute phase, they present with pain, swelling, and heat and can be in the peripheral vascular system, the intestines or other organ systems.

  2. Abdominal organ cancer in the acute phase. Download Tracy Walton’s articles on contraindications for massage and cancer. Her thoroughness and completeness regarding this subject matter is fabulous.

3. Why do we work with the navel?

Working with the navel is a common practice in many forms of body work. Structurally speaking, the navel is our first scar and is the transition point between the placenta and the pre-natal circulatory system.

The navel is also the direct access point to the parietal peritoneum via roots of the navel and gives rise to the wrappings of the entire abdominal cavity and its contents. A distortion of the shape of the navel is often a blue print for the holding patterns of our fascial system inside the belly.

4. How do I apply this work to fertility challenges?

Manual therapy to enhance fertility is a growing specialty within belly massage. This specialty area encompasses many things including actual structural and fascial work to optimize the function of the male and female reproductive organs.

The Love Your Guts Seminars program addresses many of these aspects of fertility enhancement treatment in the following courses -

The Applications to the Pelvis weekend emphasizes precise palpation of all the pelvic bowl organs and suspensory tissues, the musculoskeletal anatomy of the pelvis, and many treatment techniques for the bladder, uterus, prostate, and colon.


5. How to apply this work to menstruation and ovulation difficulties? Prostate problems? Menopause symptoms?

Although not always the case, menstruation and ovulation challenges can be a structural problem of non-optimal positioning. This condition is often called a tipped uterus, or organ prolapse. These conditions change fluid dynamics in the pelvis and interfere with the circulation of blood and lymph, nervous system innervation, and energy flow.

6. How to apply this work to acid reflux and indigestion?

Acid reflux and GERD are common digestive system complaints characterized by abdominal gas and bloating, stomach pain and cramping, and “heartburn.”

North Americans and other high stress cultures eat too fast, don’t chew food well, eat in front of TV and computers, eat while driving, eat while talking on the telephone, and eat while conducting business meetings. These behaviors combined with the fact that we eat more meals away from home than ever before, work longer hours than ever before, and are heavier than at any time in history have all conspired to create a “perfect storm” for stomach problems. The pharmaceutical industry generates approximately $10 billion in sales annually for medicines that combat these symptoms.

Several manual therapy interventions are discussed and practiced in the Applications to Digestion weekend including techniques to pull the stomach and esophagus inferior to “un-crowd” these organs from the diaphragm. Other techniques transition the nervous system towards a more digestion supporting parasympathetic state. We also discuss the notion of hypochlorhydria and various supplementation protocols to work with this condition.

7. How to apply this work to low back pain?

Low back pain is complicated, and one of the most common reasons people seek medical help. Most manual therapy interventions deal with the spinal facet joints and soft tissues on the posterior body (back side) and ignore the organs, fascial structures and musculature of the anterior body (front side) and pelvic floor. The Applications to the Pelvis weekend works with the following structures to treat low back pain - mesentery, mesocolon, and peritoneum, musculoskeletal structures of the hip, lumbar spine, coccyx and pelvic floor.


8. How to apply this work to organ detoxification?

Detoxification is a hot topic presently in allopathic and alternative / complementary health care. The fact that we now live in the most toxic time in history is wrapped up in the politics and economics of food production, manufacturing, housing, energy, transportation, and war.

Why we choose to toxify ourselves individually is wrapped up in our feelings about ourselves, depression, addiction, stress and anxiety, and our ability to manifest what we want.

The Applications to Fascia, Fluid and Energy class discusses detoxification in light of emotional and energetic balance and optimizing organ function. We also touch on a few of the basics of nutrition and eating in the Applications to Digestion weekend and work with the major eliminative organs in all trainings.


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